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Rethink Farming With Us

Vertical and Container Farming now offers a new generation of farmers a viable option for growing fresh produce on or near the places where we will be consuming it. This novel means of production reduces transportation time and cost while also reducing food waste because the useful life for end consumers is longer when it is grown locally.

Our Mission: We Build Economies Around Urban Farming. This means we see the investment in urban farming is about the people who operate the farm, consume the produce, and start their own businesses with their own farming knowledge.

the team


The Urban Farming Initiative started in 2020 during the pandemic as founder Kevin Mackey wanted to turn the increasing amount of unused commercial property into thriving urban farms and food hubs. That year we went through the Kroger and Flywheel Sustainability Accelerator, at which time we began learning about container farming. Since then, we've developed relationships in the industry and have expertise in the economics and operations of container farms. 

By 2024, we started operating as a liaison between a series of partners including farming technologies, schools or educational institutions to supply interns and apprentices, municipal grant sponsors, corporate interests, and more. Ultimately, Urban Farming Initiative smooths out the process to make sure the farming operations are setup correctly, staffed correctly, yielding effectively, selling properly, and ultimately producing profit for all parties involved.

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